Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




The literature base regarding student-to-student sexual harassment is an area that has been evolving within the last decade. Early studies sought to document the occurrence of this phenomenon in schools, and describe the nature of sexual harassment among students (Fineran, 1996; Lee, Croninger, Linn, & Chin; and Roscoe, Strouse, & Goodwin, 1994). Other studies focused on the perceptions of students to perceived incidences of sexual harassment (Loredo, Reid, & Deaux, 1995; Tata, 1993) and howEducation and prevention programs may help address inappropriate responses by educators to allegations of sexual harassment (Cohan, Hergenrother, Johnson, Mandel, & Sawyer, 1996; Larkin, 1994; Sandler & Shoop, 1997; Stein, 1995). The current study sought to examine the occurrence of student-to-student sexual harassment in elementary school, identify and describe the perceptions that school personnel have of sexual harassment among young students, and how these allegations are addressed. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted to gain insight into the perspectives held by school personnel. Interviews were coded and then analyzed for emerging themes. Prominent themes found in the interviews were then used as catalysts for discussion groups. The results of this study suggest that student-to-student sexual harassment does occur in elementary schools and even at the preschool level. In addition, faculty and staff responses have not been adequate to protect the children from harassment or the school from litigation. Although many participants suggested the popular media promoted this inappropriate behavior, the media may also be viewed as a tool for raising awareness. Parents are also seen as possibly responsible for modeling and reinforcing negative behavior, but also as potentially playing a crucial role in remedying the situation. Students, parents, and faculty and staff members are all thought to be in need of further training andEducation.
