Theses/Dissertations from 1932
A vocational study of the graduates and withdrawals of Union High School, Dugger, Indiana, Clarence W. Stegemoller
An analysis of errors in beginning algebra as revealed by two of the Hotz algebra scales, Ira W. Vance
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
A measure of the teacher tenure in the public schools of Indiana, Ethel Wallace Campbell
The educational trend in social science with a course of study in sociology for the senior high school, Clyde Parker
An experimental comparison of grammar-translation method and direct method in the teaching of French, Mary Olga Peters
A study in pupil achievement, Charles Woollard
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
The status of the dean of girls in the high schools of Indiana, Winifred E. Brill
The general status of the financial control of athletics in the high schools of Indiana, Lewis R. Phillips
A study of libraries in the small high schools with special reference to Indiana and Illinois, Cliff O. Waldrip
Theses/Dissertations from 1929
A correlation between the scholastic record of graduates of Indiana State Teachers College and their yearly financial success after graduation, Ransom Bramblet
The problem of extra-curricular activities in a modern high school, Goldie Vivian Bril
A comparison of the professional success of members and non-members of the men's societies in the Indiana State Teachers College, W. Edward Fisher
A comparison of the professional success of sorority members versus non-sorority members of Indiana State Teachers College, Ruth McClain, Ruby Krausbeck