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Introduction This thesis is over the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, what causes these increase in health benefits. In the introduction of this paper I discuss what the Mediterranean diet is, the history of the Mediterranean diet, who first demonstrated the diet, the physical activity differences in America and Europe, the portion size differences and the Ten Commandments of the diet. Each component of diet is important for understand how the diet works when comparing it to the health of those who demonstrate the diet. Main Body The main body is composed of what I used to find my unknowns in the thesis. I use the information I was able to fine to answer my questions on the through my field research study, unknown and puzzling concerns, the differences between the Mediterranean diet and other diets, research, clinical trials and studies that have been completed, and the main Components and their chief health benefits. The findings were remarkable and was used to form my conclusion. Conclusions My findings concluded that the reason the Mediterranean diet is so beneficial is because of the preparation, the fresh food and ingredients, the controlled portion sizes, the increase in physical active and surrounding each other with family. It is a lifestyle, not a diet, that makes the biggest change on people health. This diet should be implemented by more individuals, especially those who have heart disease or a family history of heart disease.

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