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Terrorism is a major problem facing governments across the globe in the 21st century. Terror organizations, domestic and international, are complex and vary in structure as well as how they are financed. By using various governmental and journalistic resources, this paper will examine four different terror organizations in how they are operated and financed. It will focus on what are the current practices by law enforcement officials to stop the sources of terror organizations’ funds. This paper will also examine future areas of concern related to where terror organizations will receive their financing in the future. The impacts of economic stagnation and its effects on terror networks recruiting its members will be discussed. The key findings of this paper include how law enforcement should be vigilant in their current efforts to stem the funds of terror organizations. Law enforcement should also beware of terror organizations using human trafficking in the coming years as a source of funds. Lastly, the promotion of economic growth policies, banking transparency, and anti-money laundering tools should be accepted by policy makers in all countries where terrorism is a credible threat

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