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Starting in kindergarten, at the age of five, children are beginning to learn with technological gadgets such as iPads and computers. Society today continuously brings technology into as many aspects of life as possible, even in the elementary schools. Educators need to be aware of this rapidly changing culture to keep up with the times as well as their students. Teachers can integrate this technology into their curriculum to help enhance and differentiate learning for their students. Methodologies used in conducting research on this topic consisted of online journals, books, and a survey written up and handed out to actual elementary aged students from ages nine to twelve. The surveys were conducted at a local school in Terre Haute, Indiana with the Title I label. One hundred students completed the surveys for real life feedback of their own technological usage at home and what resources are available to the students in the community. The goal of the conducted research was to determine whether or not the amount of technology in the elementary school classroom benefited the students learning. While gathering data and collecting information, the results all pointed to the success of student learning with hi-tech equipment. Advanced levels of technology used in the classroom correlates to the student success rate along with how successful the child will be. Teachers use laptops and iPads with applications to teach and have their students submit work. However, not all communities have the funds to afford these whimsical tools for their students. The school corporations with higher poverty rates along with the children living in the district are deprived the access of new technology. Educators continuously need to find new and improved ways to incorporate technology into their curriculum to keep their students up with the rest of the nation. Research shows that students with the access to more technology have a higher success rate.

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