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In this report, the effects that exercise has on multiple sclerosis are presented. Types, symptoms, and treatment options are described in order to give a clear understanding of the disease. The modes of exercise and the benefits that each mode holds will be explained and applied to the life of one living with multiple sclerosis. There will more attention toward resistance exercise, yoga, and tai chi as forms of exercise. Along with the benefits, the ways that poor posture and balance will be identified. With this information, the reader will gain an understanding about how identifying issues in posture and balance can lead to easier exercise prescription. Multiple studies and research have been conducted in order to further explain how exercise will impact a person living with MS. With this research, new forms of exercise, such as tai-chi, have surfaced and provided benefits to those living with MS. Also, there is data presented on topics such as the use of a force platform to identify balance control, pre and post-test scores for tai-chi intervention, and how a flight-time camera works. All of this information leads to the main idea of the thesis, which is that exercise has a positive effect on multiple sclerosis patients and could potentially slow down the progression of the disease.

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