Document Type


Publication Title

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter


Demagnetization in ferromagnetic transition metals driven by a femtosecond laser pulse is a fundamental problem in solid state physics, and its understanding is essential to the development of spintronic devices. Ab initio calculation of time-dependent magnetic moment in the velocity gauge so far has not been successful in reproducing the large amount of demagnetization observed in experiments. In this work, we propose a method to incorporate intraband transitions within the velocity gauge through a convective derivative in the crystal momentum space. Our results for transition-element bulk crystals (bcc Fe, hcp Co and fcc Ni) based on the time-dependent quantum Liouville equation show a dramatic enhancement in the amount of demagnetization after the inclusion of an intraband term, in agreement with experiments. We also find that the effect of intraband transitions on each ferromagnetic material is distinctly different because of their band structure and spin property differences. Our finding has a far-reaching impact on understanding of ultrafast demagnetization.



Publication Date

Fall 8-1-2023
