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The field of nursing is facing a crisis of suffering from a major shortage due to the rising incidences of burnout among nurses. Nurses are important to the world of healthcare, and patients cannot receive the care that they need without nurses. Burnout has been an issue within nursing for a long time now, and it is getting worse with a decrease in new graduates going into nursing and current nurses leaving after years of working in the field. After a deeper dive into the issue, there are a lot of factors that contribute to burnout, and it seems to only be getting worse for nurses who are currently still in the field. After COVID-19, this shortage became exponentially worse increasing all of these factors by a large amount. Not much has been done to intervene with this issue when there are plenty of interventions that could potentially help the nurses and influence more to pursue the path of nursing. If this continues to happen, not only nurses will suffer, but patient care will be affected as a result.

Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2024
