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This thesis explores the different ways music can have an impact on language development. It will discuss how music and language are linked in the brain, the impact music has on language before the child is born and into early stages of infancy, how music can help a child develop their language throughout their early years of school, the impact music has on language of children with a hearing impairment, and the benefits of using music as a learning tool in a bilingual family. Furthermore, this thesis will discuss studies done in school settings and therapy settings to prove that music is a beneficial tool to use to learn language of any kind and gain the ability to utilize language in any setting. Music has been proven on multiple accounts that it will elevate a child’s learning abilities, specifically on language. Finally, this thesis will talk about how music incorporation is crucial to be implemented into their home environment before the child is old enough for school, in their early school years, and in therapy settings as needed.

Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2024
