Document Type



The purpose of this literature review is to compare the viability of inositol versus metformin for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The research outlines the criteria for diagnosis and the many symptoms associated with the condition. The aim is to discover if inositol should be recommended for PCOS symptoms as a replacement for metformin. It was found that safety and popularity of the two options were important factors for physicians and patients to consider before choosing a treatment. Within these scopes, adverse effects, costs, regulation, and belief of treatment were compared. Findings indicated that inositol supplementation may possibly be an alternative to the prescription medication, as there were many similarities within these scopes such as GI disturbances. However, differences between the two were apparent such as the policies governing the substances’ regulations and the belief between prescription medication versus dietary supplementation. Additionally, ethical considerations for clinical research included debates on the inclusion of minors and pregnant women for which there were no conclusive solutions.

Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2024
