Date of Award

Fall 12-1-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


College of Technology


This study analyzed four determinant factors attributed to the acceptance of Bonded Cellular (BC) technology and applies the tenants of Diffusion of Innovation and Technology Acceptance Models. BC “bonds” available cellular channels and transmits a multiplexed signal to a broadcaster. This study will advance the understanding of factors that may impact the acceptance of BC at the management level. Research Questions 1. Can behavioral intention (BI) to adopt BC tools be predicted by using an independent variable representing Perceived Ease-Of-Use (PEOU)? 2. Can behavioral intention (BI) to adopt BC tools be predicted by using an independent variable representing Perceived Usefulness (PU)? 3. Can behavioral intention (BI) to adopt BC tools be predicted by using an independent variable representing the Relative Advantage (RA)? 4. Can behavioral intention (BI) to adopt BC tools be predicted by using an independent variable representing Compatibility with existing operations (COMP)? Null Hypotheses 1. H01:B1=0. There is no correlation between the (PEOU) intention to adopt BC. 2. H02:B2=0. There is no correlation between the (PU) and intention to adopt BC. iv 3. H03:B3=0. There is no correlation between (RA) and intention to adopt BC. 4. H04:B4=0. There is no correlation between (COMP) and intention to adopt BC. Adoption of BC technology is the dependent variable, behavioral intent (BI). An Internal Review Board approved Qualtrics questionnaire was disseminated to a targeted population comprised of TV technology and media production managers. The 32 carefully constructed Likert-Scaled questions explore a manager’s current familiarity, current usage, anticipated plans and time-frames regarding the adoption of BC technology. The survey results were tabulated using IBM SPSS statistical Linear Regression analysis models that correlates aspects of DOI and TAM to examine the independent variables (IV) to arrive at a determination of the factors contributing to the behavioral intent (BI) to adopt BC technology.
