Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Engineering


Knowing the efficiency of a pumping unit has important operational and financial benefits to those who operate the unit. Historically efficiency is collected on a periodic basis through on-site collection of the necessary parameters. Unit efficiency can be calculated on a real time basis by combining telemetered data with fluid properties in a Real Time Transient Model (RTTM). This method however needs to be validated in order to ensure it is equivalent to field efficiency testing. The RTTM was expanded to be able to calculate unit efficiency utilizing telemetered data and modeled fluid properties. Three crude oil and two refined products units were configured in the model to perform the calculations. Data from each of the units was stored in a relational database for later analysis. Date and time, efficiency ratio (current efficiency/manufacturer's efficiency), flow rate and viscosity were stored once every fifteen minute. Field efficiency test data was retrieved and then compared to the telemetered data. A deviation of one percent or less was considered acceptable. Where the two methods did not correlate within the required one percent, the data was analyzed to determine the root cause. Errors in the model's algorithms and potential errors in field data collection account for all departures. This research supports the use of the RTTM to calculate unit efficiency.
