Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2014

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership


The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the traits of and strategies used by highly effective teachers. Two research questions were presented in this study: What are the traits of highly effective teachers? and What strategies are used by highly effective teachers? Elementary school principals in the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation in Evansville, Indiana, were asked to recommend one to two highly effective teachers. After a thorough review of principal recommendations, participants were considered based upon gender, years of experience, and grade level or subject area taught. Once the participant selection process concluded, dates for six onsite classroom observations and teacher interviews were determined. The classroom observation began at the start of the teacher work day and ended at the time identified by each participant. This study generated a collection of personality traits commonly demonstrated by six highly effective teachers. Additionally, this study simultaneously identified and presented instructional strategies that were commonly used among the participants. Common themes emerged from the data providing insight as to the personality traits of and strategies used by the highly effective teachers. Specifically, 16 traits were presented in this study and grouped into four categories: work ethic, instructional demeanor, disposition, and attitude. Additionally, several instructional strategies were observed during this study; instructional strategies commonly used by the six highly effective teachers were presented in four themes that included preventative maintenance and classroom design, engagement, differentiation, and delivery of instruction. The data gathered from this study will serve many purposes including the hiring of iv teachers, a guide for teachers to improve performance, and a guide for school district leaders as they plan professional development opportunities.
