Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management


College of Technology


Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a highly valued and highly underutilized program designed to offer international students an opportunity to work in the U.S. and train in their field of study. This qualitative study collected and analyzed the narratives of three alumni of a Midwest university who completed OPT in the manufacturing engineering field. Four themes were identified in the narratives. These themes were inextricable to the premise that OPT is a deeply appreciated opportunity for F-1 students. The first theme is viewing the OPT experience as a system which includes the university, USCIS, and the employer and moreover a need to improve this system. Secondly, subjects demonstrated an acute reluctance to disclose information, an important point to keep in mind when conducting future research. The third theme is the desirability of sustained professional development. This theme was expressed through descriptions of actions and as advice for future OPT workers. Finally, subjects identified the uncertainty of new experiences as a bigger challenge than the reality of the experience. Efforts to remove barriers for these workers should include the time leading up to the action and address uncertainty.
