Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Curriculum, Instruction, and Media Technology
Purpose of the study . The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of supportive interventions on first-year teacher efficacy. Two Rand Studies (1976 & 1977) and a study by Kilgore and Kozisek (1989) provided the theoretical framework for this investigation. Procedures . One hundred and forty-four first-year teachers in the Indianapolis Public Schools received a questionnaire to participate in this study. Ninety-five teachers responded to the questionnaire. The response rate for the teacher questionnaires was 66%. The questionnaire was divided into five parts. The first part measured teacher efficacy. This was determined by answers given to questions regarding the confidence level of first-year teachers in areas such as classroom discipline, instruction, assessment, and public relations. The second part measured teacher support from people other than the mentor. This was a measure of school climate. The third part measured instructional guidance. Instructional guidance was defined as the feedback given to teachers on their performance. The fourth part was a measure of principal support. Teachers rated how often each of fifteen behaviors was associated with principals. The fifteen behaviors included discussion on district and school policies, classroom observation, invitations to school gatherings, suggestions on assessment, assistance with teaching strategies, demonstration of lessons, assistance with administrative paperwork, encouragement to attend professional development activities, and assistance with classroom management. The fifth part was a measure of mentor support. Teachers again rated how often each of same fifteen behaviors was associated with mentoring. Demographic data were collected, analyzed, and reported. Descriptive data were tabulated and analyzed to determine whether mentor support, teacher support, principal support, and instructional guidance had an effect on first-year teacher efficacy. Findings . Four hypotheses were tested in this research project. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and regression analysis. The building Environment or climate (support), instructional guidance, and principal support had an effect on teacher efficacy. There were significant relationships found between efficacy and support, instructional guidance, and principal support. However, there was not a significant relationship found between efficacy and mentoring. This information suggests that mentoring support cannot increase first-year teacher efficacy and teacher efficacy is related to the building climate (teacher support), instructional guidance, and principal support. Furthermore, additional item correlation analysis reveals that a sense of accomplishment, job satisfaction, and sufficient materials do significantly impact first-year teacher efficacy. The results of this study should be of interest to both district and school level administrators. Since teacher efficacy is related to teacher retention and student achievement, district and school level administrators should make every effort to create a professional environment that values collegiality and positive school climate.
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Li-Yen Koo, "The Effect Of Supportive Interventions On First -Year Teacher Efficacy" (2002). All-Inclusive List of Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1078.