Healthcare Competency
Decreased thoracic mobility, stability, and strength are prevalent issues in athletes, contributing to various musculoskeletal problems. This Evidence to Practice Review synthesizes findings from a guiding systematic review that identified exercises targeting the thoracic spine in athletes. The review included a comprehensive search across six databases, five journals, and five social media platforms, yielding 38 exercises designed to improve thoracic mobility, motor control, work capacity, and strength. Despite the low level of evidence (Level D), these exercises are widely used in clinical practice. This review provides a framework for exercise prescription, offering athletic trainers a range of exercise options to improve thoracic spine function. The classification system introduced can aid clinicians in tailoring exercise regimens to meet specific clinical goals, thereby enhancing function and athletic performance. The review underscores the need for further research to validate these exercises and emphasizes the critical role the thoracic spine plays in the functional kinetic chain.
First Page
Recommended Citation
Kruzec, Megan and Anderson, Barton E.
"Thoracic Mobility and the Effects it has on the Human Body: An Evidence to Practice Review,"
Clinical Practice in Athletic Training: Vol. 7:
4, Article 19.
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Exercise Physiology Commons, Health and Physical Education Commons, Medical Physiology Commons, Sports Medicine Commons