Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Dr. Willa Beatrice Player survived the college presidency during one of America's most tumultuous times, the 1950s and 1960s. Unfortunately, like the many other Black women's contributions, there is very little known about Dr. Player's work in education. Very little is also being done in scholarship and research to correct this problem. This historical research study seeks to depict accurately Dr. Willa Beatrice Player's role as an educator, college administrator, civil rights activist, federal appointee, and Bennett College's first woman president. She was an advocate for social justice and equity. Her work to further the academic and political agendas that supported the Greensboro community illustrates her dedication to education and the Black community. This study's significance is to uncover the hidden life and leadership legacy of Dr. Willa Player as a pioneer in higher education and local civil rights activist.
